Japan gadget technologically super toilet

 Japan gadget technologically super toilet

            toilet in Japan what is the gadget technologically advanced getting user-friendly leaving the symbol super 1 you have built in things on the town and he did sheets, grassroots system that she would stars are there in to occupy and the mobile I text you put toilet like a suicide me now with all kind of bad news airways are lower the season play some white noise background music and of course send a spray awarded at clean the user rap our neighbor using me things were over 35 years

Mobile Camera Section...............................

CamaraSection: N 263 / N264  दुबै IC लाई VBatt दिकएके  छ ।  EN काे लागि VIO voltage दिएके छ यि  voltage प्राप्त भएपछि जब   camara on गिरन्छ, N 263 काे output pin मा VAux voltage / N264 काे  output pin मा VCAM voltage उत्पादन हुन्छ र Camara active हुन्छ । Camara लाई CPU बाट clockpositive clocknegative दिइन्छ । data positive / negative बाट CPU सग  data अादान प्रदान का लागि प्रयेग गरिएके छ ।

क्षमा पाउ आमा , म बाट गल्ती भय